God Do You Like Me? – Book
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- Have these questions ever crossed your mind:
- What does God think about you?
- Do you know and understand your place in this world?
- Do you often feel you don’t measure up to what you say you believe?
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In light of our frequent one-step-forward-two-step-backwards lives, finding and then holding onto a workable and lasting confidence and security represents perhaps one of the most basic and greatest of challenges Christians face on a daily basis. Who doesn’t battle short memories and paper-thin faith? Who hasn’t made dumb mistakes or regretted decisions we’ve made? Who has God figured out?
Even before factoring in the implications of God’s invisibleness and the requirement of faith, such realities make the point that we all badly need a certain, foundational anchor for confidence and security in this life; something lasting and unchangeable, something outside and bigger than ourselves and our circumstances and yet something within the grasp of the weakest and worst of us.
Far from being dismayed or disgusted by our humanness and immaturity, God likes his job, and is unimaginably “for” us. This is very good news. By challenging your “notions of God” in the best possible way and “unlocking” some of God’s core personality, and by offering basic insight into the fascinating implications of being scripted into God’s personal narrative, God … Do You Like Me? provides overwhelming evidence for renewed hope and confidence in God as well as ourselves
Weight – 1.00lbs
Format – Paperback Book – $16.99, ePub – $9.00